ROME, 11 September 2013

Flattering reviews on the WINES 2013 de l'Espresso Guide


The Guide to WINES d'Italia for 2013, published by the editorial group de l'Espresso, reports flattering judgments on the WINES of the Cellar and, in particular, on our Aglianico del Taburno d.o.c. vintage 2007.

ROME, September 9th 2013

Luca Maroni Yearbook 2013 Abstract


Yearbook of the best Italian WINES 2013 The most important Italian winemaking companies analyzed wine by Luca Maroni. The reader finds in this book a valid information tool, as well as an archaic description of the sensations emanating from the analysis. Particularly qualified is the opinion expressed by Luca Maroni on the entire WINES portfolio of the Cantina ROCCA DEI SANNITI VITICOLTORI. Below is the extract on our cellar!

ROME, May 25th 2012

Il Venerdi' di Repubblica - Taburno Falanghina del Sannio


On "Il Venerdi 'di Repubblica" of May 25, 2012 an interesting article was published by the writer and journalist Paola Mura on our Taburno Falanghina del Sannio. She has had the opportunity to taste the wine, in vintage 2011, at the stand ROCCA DEI SANNITI VITICOLTORI on the occasion of WINESTALY 2012.


Chairman's Selection - AGLIANICO DEL TABURNO 2006






The public body in Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board (PLCB) - responsible for the marketing of WINES in the homonymous US state - has expressed the following opinion on AGLIANICO DEL TABURNO DOC - VINTAGE 2006 ROCCA DEI SANNITI VITICOLTORI, which sells in its Legal Stores




Chairman's Selection ™


Fortress of the Sanniti Aglianico del Taburno D.O.C. 2006

Chairman's Selection ™


"The Fortress of the Samnites Aglianico del Taburno - Vintage 2006 exudes to deep, ruby-red color followed by an aromatic nose and big, chewy tannins on the palate The wine is warm, well-balanced and pairs well with hearty soups, grilled and roasted meats, and aged cheeses. "

Winemaker's notes

"The first time in the United States." 2006 Aglianico is filled with aromas of herbs, strawberry, cherry and raspberries Ripe cherry, strawberry, tobacco, bay leaf and sage coat the palate. a very enjoyable mineral component One of the friendliest Aglianicos I have ever tasted. "

Steve Pollack, wine buyer for the Chairman's Selection program.

NEW YORK, April 24th 2012

Mention of excellence to the bottle FIANO DI AVELLINO D.O.C.G. 2009








ROCCA DEI SANNITI VITICOLTORI participated in the twenty-sixth edition of the Galà Italia organized by the Italian Wine and Food Institute in New York, held on February 10, 2011 at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in Manhattan.


The important event - which took place under the High Patronage of the Italian Embassy in the United States - saw the participation of the most qualified Italian wineries in Italy (

In the context of the event a jury of experts gave special mention of excellence to the bottle FIANO DI AVELLINO D.O.C.G. 2009 harvest of ROCCA DEI SANNITI VITICOLTORI.


(vedasi pure:




VERONA, 8 May 2012

Impressions from WINEStaly 2012


Impressions from WINEStaly 2012. Created on 04 April 2012 by WINES & terroir.


"Here are our impressions of the 2012 edition of the WINEStaly: I started seeing that for me it was a hit and run, I was at the fair only on Sunday.I can not express anything on the change of days since I could not touch it, however on Sundays I saw huge "herds of thirsty" push, take off etc etc.


Here in these cases I regret the various Vinexpo, WINESsud, London Wine Fair where only the insiders can enter; perhaps with a lower income from the fair organization but with a net gain in terms of professionalism in the field of insiders. Marina Betto instead remained much more than me and here are her important impressions.



I want to look for him, know him and then taste it, sip it, watch how it falls into the glass, feel what it smells, what sensations it evokes, what it provokes, if it can excite me or disappoint me; how a first date could be made, the first taste of a bottle is like meeting a stranger, but even revisiting an ancient passion can be just as interesting. These are the ideas that circulate in my mind, while I wander uncertainly among the stands of WINEStaly, wide, frenetic manifestation that of Verona. No scheme, guide, itinerary studied, as perhaps many do or impose themselves to do; never love the rules, I want to be guided by the senses, by the sensations, and so I did.


There is a third element between me and the wine: the producer, who is the alter ego of the wine itself, is often not the best promoter of himself, whether by character or way of doing, interposes between you and the wine. taste and it is not always love at first sight. Many producers are friendly and friendly, they invite you to enter their home, make you sit and honor you as a special guest dedicating time and attention, others know how to tell well and the fascination is intense, others select the clientele not to lose time not doing good service to their wine, which as far as I'm concerned immediately discarding them on the black list of tastings, because if inside the bottle there is the history of those who produce it, I see too much attention to the "business" in certain behaviors not the will to spread and share ancient knowledge and values, of which we often hear only talk in the world of wine, but that for many remain a thin patina that sounds as false as the chemicals they use to sophisticate the product.


The days in Verona were warm and sunny with an almost summery climate, which in some sheds was Amazonian; always very crowded, people of different nationalities: Germans, Russians, Japanese, and Chinese among foreigners and among Italian professionals and not, young (someone drunk), simple enthusiasts, faces archinotes in the world of food and wine journalism, some stars that produces (Albano); in short, not a full house, but interested people who went straight to the destination without delay.


So the tour starts from Lazio (...).


I climb the boot and go to Campania the COMPANY ROCCA DEI SANNITI in the province of Benevento is located on the slopes of Mount Taburno, a place for native wine production of particular value and its Sannio DOC Falanghina 2011 is straw yellow, with intense aromas of glycerine, white flowers of jasmine and laburnum, intact and perfect also in the mouth is a flower, I would say amazing almost aromatic.

PENNSYLVANIA, November 9th 2015



The Pennsylvania Vine Company (PAVINECO) expresses flattering judgments on the Aglianico del Taburno d.o.c. 2010, currently on sale in the State of the PA.

ROME, December 2nd 2015



Luca Maroni awarded the following scores to WINES Rocca dei Sanniti Winemakers: Falanghina del Taburno D.O.C. 2013, 91; Greco di Tufo D.O.C.G. 2013, 90; Beneventano Falanghina 2013, 89; Fiano di Avellino D.O.C.G. 2013, 88; Campania Aglianico I.G.P. 2010, 88; Falanghina del Sannio D.O.C. Spumante Brut, 87.

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